Part two of our Coffee with Creme series we spoke with the extraordinary team behind Bone Made, these women can turn any space into heaven, their unique yet refined style is one we envy and we are forever in awe of their talent.

How was Bone Made born?
Bone Made was initially created to serve as a ‘creative outlet’ for Fliss and I, so we are very grateful and proud of ourselves for how our business has grown and thrived over the last 3 years. When the idea was planted, we were both at contrasting stages of our lives, - I was working full time for an Interior Styling company and Fliss had just finished up working full time for an Interior Design Firm and was entering motherhood.
We both always had the desire to create our own businesses, but never thought Bone Made would have flourished and succeeded to what it is today.
How did you refine your style?
Fliss and I share a very similar aesthetic however naturally, we do have our own personal preferences when it comes to design and styling. When we created Bone Made, we sat down together and nutted out the vision for the brand. A few factors came into play such as our target market, demographics, as well as our own combined personal taste which in summary is ‘earthy and sophisticated with an emphasis on timeless and considered design’. We want out designs to ensure longevity and stand the test of time for our clients. We prefer to avoid trends where possible and always ensure we refer back to our strong design concepts throughout our project process.

Where do you source inspiration for your upcoming projects and ongoing motivation?
Once we have brainstormed as a collaborative team to create our concept / vision for our clients home, we source our inspiration through a mix of platforms. We are very regular users of Pinterest as it’s an incredible tool in our conceptual phase of projects as well as throughout our whole design process. We are also constantly saving inspiration on our Instagram - there are a wealth of talented Designers and Architects whom we follow and occasionally will draw inspiration from a certain structure or form or design elements or details.
A highlight for Bone Made?
Our Californian Bungalow Project in Concord has been a significant highlight due to the exposure it has had on reputable design publications both in print and online. We had the project captured by Nat from the Palm Co and had a short film shot by Lucy Douglas.
What fuels you with regards to business? How do you re energise?
Fliss and I each month will take a ‘MHD’ (mental health day) where we schedule it into the calendar and treat is as a complete day off. This is something for us to look forward to, as well as an excuse to book in a lunch, book in some self care or just catch up on the life admin that has built up!
We also have quarterley business meetings where we cover goals, strategy, projects, marketing and finances. We always feel motivated and inspired after these meetings as it allows us to ensure our business is tracking how we had planned as well as discuss exciting opportunities or visions we have for our business.
What are your top tools you couldn’t run your business without?
When it comes to business we couldn’t live without Xero and One drive; Projects we couldn’t live without Sketch Up and CAD and then socials and marketing we couldn’t live without Instagram and Pinterest!

If you could share one insight or learning with regards to (business or design, whatever you prefer), what would it be?
Neither of us knew how to start a business so we have learnt A LOT around the legalities (still so much to learn!). Getting a trustworthy accountant to assist with all our business accounting requirements was so important.
We also understand the importance of always having the next project on the horizon, even if we are slammed busy in the moment. Networking via emails, phone calls or a coffee meeting have always paid off for us.
Lastly, a well thought out Instagram grid is the best portfolio for our industry. Majority of our clients say they loved our Instagram feed and felt their aesthetics aligned with our vision. The best complement we could ask for!
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